class D(C):
def __new__(cls, *args):
print('D cls is:', cls)
print('D args in __new__:', args)
return C.__new__(C, *args)
def __init__(self, *args):
# we never get here
print('In D __init__')
>>> obj = D('hello')
D cls is: <class 'D'>
D args in __new__: ('hello',)
Cls in __new__: <class 'C'>
Args in __new__: ('hello',)
>>> type(obj)
<class 'C'>
对于显式构造函数调用,我们的子类需要创建自己的类的新ndarray实例。 在实践中,这意味着我们作为代码的编写者,需要调用ndarray .__ new __(MySubClass,...),一个类的层次结构会调用super(MySubClass,cls) .__ new __(cls,...),或查看现有数组的视图投影(见下文)
对于视图投影和“从模板创建”,相当于ndarray .__ new __(MySubClass,...在C级的调用。
import numpy as np
class C(np.ndarray):
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
print('In __new__ with class %s' % cls)
return super(C, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# in practice you probably will not need or want an __init__
# method for your subclass
print('In __init__ with class %s' % self.__class__)
def __array_finalize__(self, obj):
print('In array_finalize:')
print(' self type is %s' % type(self))
print(' obj type is %s' % type(obj))
>>> # Explicit constructor
>>> c = C((10,))
In __new__ with class <class 'C'>
In array_finalize:
self type is <class 'C'>
obj type is <type 'NoneType'>
In __init__ with class <class 'C'>
>>> # View casting
>>> a = np.arange(10)
>>> cast_a = a.view(C)
In array_finalize:
self type is <class 'C'>
obj type is <type 'numpy.ndarray'>
>>> # Slicing (example of new-from-template)
>>> cv = c[:1]
In array_finalize:
self type is <class 'C'>
obj type is <class 'C'>
import numpy as np
class InfoArray(np.ndarray):
def __new__(subtype, shape, dtype=float, buffer=None, offset=0,
strides=None, order=None, info=None):
# Create the ndarray instance of our type, given the usual
# ndarray input arguments. This will call the standard
# ndarray constructor, but return an object of our type.
# It also triggers a call to InfoArray.__array_finalize__
obj = super(InfoArray, subtype).__new__(subtype, shape, dtype,
buffer, offset, strides,
# set the new 'info' attribute to the value passed = info
# Finally, we must return the newly created object:
return obj
def __array_finalize__(self, obj):
# ``self`` is a new object resulting from
# ndarray.__new__(InfoArray, ...), therefore it only has
# attributes that the ndarray.__new__ constructor gave it -
# i.e. those of a standard ndarray.
# We could have got to the ndarray.__new__ call in 3 ways:
# From an explicit constructor - e.g. InfoArray():
# obj is None
# (we're in the middle of the InfoArray.__new__
# constructor, and will be set when we return to
# InfoArray.__new__)
if obj is None: return
# From view casting - e.g arr.view(InfoArray):
# obj is arr
# (type(obj) can be InfoArray)
# From new-from-template - e.g infoarr[:3]
# type(obj) is InfoArray
# Note that it is here, rather than in the __new__ method,
# that we set the default value for 'info', because this
# method sees all creation of default objects - with the
# InfoArray.__new__ constructor, but also with
# arr.view(InfoArray). = getattr(obj, 'info', None)
# We do not need to return anything
import numpy as np
class RealisticInfoArray(np.ndarray):
def __new__(cls, input_array, info=None):
# Input array is an already formed ndarray instance
# We first cast to be our class type
obj = np.asarray(input_array).view(cls)
# add the new attribute to the created instance = info
# Finally, we must return the newly created object:
return obj
def __array_finalize__(self, obj):
# see InfoArray.__array_finalize__ for comments
if obj is None: return = getattr(obj, 'info', None)
class SillySubClass(np.ndarray):
def __array_wrap__(self, arr, context=None):
return 'I lost your data'
>>> arr1 = np.arange(5)
>>> obj = arr1.view(SillySubClass)
>>> arr2 = np.arange(5)
>>> ret = np.multiply(obj, arr2)
>>> ret
'I lost your data'
darray解决的问题之一是跟踪ndarray的内存所有权和它们的视图。考虑这样一个例子:我们创建了一个ndarray,arr,并用 v=arr[1:] 取了一个切片。这两个对象看到的是相同的内存。NumPy使用 base 属性跟踪特定数组或视图的数据来源:
>>> # A normal ndarray, that owns its own data
>>> arr = np.zeros((4,))
>>> # In this case, base is None
>>> arr.base is None
>>> # We take a view
>>> v1 = arr[1:]
>>> # base now points to the array that it derived from
>>> v1.base is arr
>>> # Take a view of a view
>>> v2 = v1[1:]
>>> # base points to the view it derived from
>>> v2.base is v1